Juan Suarez

Quality Coordinator

"You should come to a Finca with me one day, you'll cry more than once." Juan


Juan Suarez

After traveling the world as a barista trying to understand coffee, and thinking that coffee represented only flavours and scores, Juan discovered on of the most important aspects of the value chain: interpersonal connections.
He believes that producer who works 24/7 on their farms is one of the most under-appreciated and under-valued forms of art in the world. Seeing the direct impact that Tropiq's work has on the livelihood of the producers fills his soul with an indescribable feeling of joy and happiness. Juan further believes that his work in origin can have an impact on the farmers appreciation for their own coffee, not only loving to produce but also taking the time and investing in consuming to understand what roasters and the average joe like so much.

"You should come to a Finca with me one day, you'll cry more than once." Juan

Past Experience

Juan moved to Colombia in 2016 with the hopes of finding a job as a Barista, but the only job offered was part time as a Dry Mill Operator and DishWasher in a small coffeeshop. From there he evolved and was promoted full time roasting assistant followed by lab assistant. After gather all the knowledge he needed to work with farmers, he too a position as a brand manager (everything man), taking care of the incoming parchment from fincas, setting up a proper roasting profile for his coffees, preparing coffee in different events, and more. After selling his stake, he moved to UAE and continued to consume and share knowledge through various jobs in the roastery.

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Juan Suarez

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